Thursday 31 March 2011

independant research -katie

Opening scene comparison -United 93

The film i have chosen to compare with our media product is "United 93" a film based around 9/11 bombing highly involving terrorism. Our films aim is to use stereotypical views along with generic conventions to gain the audiences attention and hope to create suspense right from the start of the film. the genre of our film is action thriller which we are hopping o further extend by including a faced pace chase.

United 93 unlike our film will continue with generic conventions throughout the film by using and portraying muslim men as terroists. although the way the the film has been layed out but not revealing anything,  autoatic expectaions which the audience concives  are raised due to the specific ethical and moral feeling based on the charcatoes used. however using this film as inspiration and guidance to help create and enhance our film  to change  aspects of automoatic sterotypical views made apon people from a certain background or population that has been wrongly viewed in the media. the slight change in convension and bracking away from britsh white people being of the dominant ideology and seen in a positive manner. our plan to change and reverse roles with create unexpected pleasure for the audience as they will be unprepeared for teh events that will occcur.

The use of a foreign language is used in united 93, the unusual voice over of an arabic spoken muslim gets the audience feeling confused,ciruous and automaticaly concieving their own own personal expectaions of what is being said (as subtitles are not being used.) This is because of the steriotypicall views made by the public and media. seeing how using this technique has impacted the audience and has built tension we are going to use a musim arabic voice over although because of our unsual twist in our film we will be using subtitles so we dont confuse the audience too much.

Location is establish soon in united 93 using jump cuts from a birds eye view of the local setting to the establishing shots of the muslim men in a motel room. The arabic voice over joins the shots together making the film flow as well as continuing with a fast paced continuous opening scene. for our own film to create a similar sense of tention and fast paced action we too want to use jump cuts to establish location and the journey taken by the chacters, this will be seperated with the titles so the film constanly flows. although because we are using two very different sterotypical charcters we will only be using the voice over over certain shots. instead we will be using a arabic soundtrack so nondiegetic sound will comstantly continue throughout out opening scene and also the  importance of the muslim culture and heritage remains a dominant factor throughout the film.

The use of camera shots and angles used is crucial in United 93 to percive the right representation of the male muslim characters. This is created by firstly using an unsteady/ jolted camera to create a sence of unrealiaability and unworthiness but generly to represent specific charcters as the antagonist. Shoots are also seen to be cut off using the rule of third covering part of the screen using a wal or door. not alloing you to see the whole frame portrays impressions of someone watching and something that shouldn't be seen by others. We are planning the use a hand held camera to follow the charcters on their journey. this will be done intentionally to create the effect of someone following another but also represntaing their faced paced journey.

Close ups are used regualarly in the opening scene to exaggerate the facial expression of the male muslims which show a sence of purpose, determination,panic and sacrafice, main aspects portrayed on a terroist whilst becoming a martyr.

United 93 uses off frame hypabolic diegetic sound of voices of commuters, plains and other sounds heard from an airpot to furthe establish location by using a sound bridge joining the muslims with the airpot further continuing genric conventions and representaions of a terroist.

The two films, one produced from working title, documenting past events in a fast paced terroist film, whilst the other a very low brudget british film following two characters highly steryotyped in differents way, with their journey to london also a terroist film with a twist. The two films have been made in completely different ways although the moral views and representations which the audience perceives at the beginning of both films start exactly the same. although united 93 follows conventions whilst our film will break conventions.

By Katie Fryer


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